Is your product difficult to install?
No! It is very easy to install in the paper towel dispenser. An instruction sheet will be included with each order to explain the installation.
Will I damage my dispenser?
No, the adapters have been made in a way that does not affect the performance or integrity of the dispenser. The adapters can be removed with no affect to the dispenser.
Do I need to install with adhesive?
Adhesive dots are included in your purchase. Some of the adapters are made without the need to use adhesive. Please test fit the adapter first. If adhesive is required than apply the adhesive dots to the back of the adapter before installing into the dispenser.
Can the adapters be removed?
Yes! The adapters have been made in a way that can be installed with minimal impact to the operation of the dispenser and if you choose for any reason to remove them you may do so. There is no affect to the look or operation of the dispenser. A plastic pry tool or small screw driver can be used to pry off the adapters. If you used adhesive to install the adapters use your fingers to peal off the adhesive dots. If the adhesive residue remains then lightly rub with Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) until it is fully removed.
What size paper towel rolls can I use?
The paper towel rolls are measured in the number of feet of paper are in a roll. The diameter is not commonly used. However a 800 foot roll is roughly 8 inches in diameter. The paper roll diameter and the core tube diameter can be measured with a ruler. That may be important depending which dispenser you use or adapter you purchase.
The paper you use might cause issues, because the center tube is made in different sizes. Many suppliers use the 1.5″ diameter, and some as large as 2 inches. The larger the diameter core tube, the lower the paper towel roll will sit in the machine, which may rub on parts in the dispenser. Also, the size or the length of the roll will cause this to happen. A larger diameter roll that is sitting lower in the machine has a much greater chance of rubbing against the inside of the machine and that friction will prevent the paper roll from turning. Many of my customers are purchasing 700 feet rolls or shorter, which give a smaller diameter and this issue doesn’t happen. 800ft and longer creates a larger diameter roll and that will cause this issue.
Is there a warranty on your product.
Yes, warranty periods lasts as long as you own the adapter.
Do you accept returns?
Yes. If for some reason you change your mind or if its not a good fit for you, please contact us and we will do what we can to help. For more info, please be sure to read our return policy.
My dispenser is not listed on your website.
If for some reason you cannot find the adapter for your dispenser, please contact us and we will do what we can to help.
Sales Rep looking to for a custom job or bulk purchase.
Please contact us and we will do what we can to help.